Welcome to my Trina's Treats blog where I will be sharing lots of tips & tricks for making treats & starting your own business! I am constantly being asked to share what tools I use, how to melt chocolate, how I use social media to build my business, where I purchase decor/supplies from, etc! To answer all of these questions, I thought it would be easiest to share them weekly on here! I will create posts to go over all aspects of starting a business, what worked & didn't work through my personal experiences, recipes for making chocolate treats, current party trends and holiday inspirations as well!
Before I get into all of that, I would like to share how Trina's Treats started! The name "Trina's Treats" was actually named after me back in the early 90's when my mom made chocolates for craft fairs & local customers. Eventually, she had my sister and had to stop to take care of us, but still made them for us to enjoy, of course! Six years ago, I came across a local chocolate supply store, around Valentine's Day, and thought it would be fun for us to make chocolate for everyone that year. I had never made ANY chocolate treat before and was overwhelmed with all of the edible glitter and fun molds they had now! We made these super cute chocolate hearts and lips and posted them to Facebook and IMMEDIATELY everyone had asked if Trina's Treats was making a come back! I was working full time at a cosmetic counter, but thought it would be fun to play around and see what else I could make as a little side hobby.
That Easter we hosted a "Chocolate Night" and invited all of our friends and family over to showcase our first chocolates: oreos, chocolate bunnies, chocolate lollipops, marshmallows, rice crispy treats & pretzels! We received over 90 orders that first Easter and couldn't believe it! As time went on, I began to think of ways to be able to make treats all year round and how to reach people outside of our friends/family. One day, I woke up and wondered why I was putting my heart and soul into a job that wasn't guaranteed instead of putting that same energy into something of my own that I would have control over (& truly enjoyed!!). So, I quit my job. I had barely any money saved, but decided to just go for it! It wouldn't happen if I didn't try! I spent every night for 6 months on Instagram posting new treats & designs and following people in hopes to gain followers & new customers. Eventually, after A LOT of hard work, time & tears, I was able to get Trina's Treats to where it is today just through Instagram! I truly couldn't imagine doing anything else and love all aspects of my business - even the tough days! It certainly was not an easy road, but I never gave up and am excited for what the future holds for Trina's Treats!
XO Trina
